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Mongolia - Mopeds and Sheeps


Öndörchaan or Chinggis City is the capital of the Chentii-Aimag region in Mongolia. The small town with about 20,000 inhabitants is not only the second coldest city in Mongolia with average temperatures of -26 degrees in winter. The birthplace of Genghis Kahn is believed to be near the city. It was therefore renamed in 2013 by the Mongolian State Council in Chinggis City in honor of Genghis Kahn. Chentii-Aimag is one of the regions most affected by climate change in Mongolia, according to a study by the UNDP MON Poverty Research Group. Between 1999 and 2019 the average temperatures rose by 0.9 to 2.2 degrees. As a result, the pastures have reduced significantly. The nutritional value and the amount of grass decreased. Rivers and springs dry up especially in spring. At the same time, the Mongolian government is increasing subsidies for animal husbandry. Cattle farmers are encouraged to enlarge their herds by various incentives. Special awards are given to breeders with over 1000 animals. Russia in particular imports more meat from Mongolia after the EU sanctions of 2014. Due to the double demand of natural resources, the life of the nomads in the region is changing significantly. During 2018 and 2019 I had the chance to visit several families in the region and document their changing life style.